All events are scheduled for the week of November 06-10, in Rio de Janeiro.
October 2017 From November 06 to 10, Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, will host the 2nd WPO (World Packaging Organization – Board Meeting of 2017. The week’s program, organized by local member ABRE (Brazilian Packaging Association –, will include WorldStar judging, the most recognized packaging award in the globe. WPO members will also have an opportunity to participate in a seminar about food waste. Outgoing WPO President, Thomas Schneider, explains that food waste is “an issue that we have been working hard to combat since we became part of the Save Food project, an initiative from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization); FAO being a branch of UN (United Nations), and Messe Düsseldorf.”
About 20 WPO members, representing 16 countries, are expected to visit Rio de Janeiro and participate in all events. They will vote on 322 packaging projects – from 38 countries - registered in the WorldStar Award 2018. This prestigious award recognises global excellence in packaging across many categories and includes the special categories: - President’s Award, Sustainability Award, Marketing Award, Packaging that Saves Food Award and the newest Lifetime Achievement in Packaging Award. The WorldStar Award ceremony, where the winners will be named, is scheduled for May 2018, on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Besides the Save Food project, institutionally WPO – through its members (packaging associations and institutes) - also aims to educate packaging professionals and society about the important and invaluable aspects of packaging. “We are advocates for packaging: good packaging, cost-effective packaging, packaging that contributes to creating a more sustainable society. The world cannot do without packaging, so we must educate people everywhere to respect the purpose of packaging and teach them how to incorporate this tool into the process of building an ever more sustainable society,” states President Thomas Schneider.
Rio is officially the last meeting of Thomas Schneider as WPO President after two terms. Pierre Pienaar, was elected the new WPO President in May during Interpack 2017. Pierre has confirmed his participation in the Brazil meeting where after he will officially commence his new role as WPO President.
Press information, pictures and interviews request:
Liliam Benzi – [email protected] - +55 11 99989-159