The World Packaging Organisation is a non-profit, non-governmental, international federation of national packaging institutes and associations, national packaging professionals bodies, regional packaging federations and other interested parties including trade associations.

Founded September 6, 1968 in Tokyo by visionary leaders from the global packaging community, the purpose of the organization includes:

WPO connects the global packaging community! 

Primary activities of the organisation today are build references and share knowledge, to connect the global packaging ecosystem through webinars and conferences, to promote education through meetings, raise the voice for packaging supporting the growth and development of this industry on worldwide.  

WPO promotes the WorldStar Packaging Award that inspires innovation around the globe, and also the WorldStar Student Awards to value and engage the young generation. 


WPO Vision

“Better Quality of Life, Through Better Packaging, For More People”


It continues to be true that a significant percentage of food never meets its purpose, that of nourishing the hungry.  This is especially true in developing nations, but not exclusive to them.  Food wastage is common to all cultures.  Better packaging plays a huge role in reducing spoilage and retaining nutrition for those who need it most.

WPO is committed to educating people about the value that packaging adds to Society, not only for food but for beverages, pharmaceuticals, and virtually every product used by consumers and industry alike.

We know that Packaging is an indispensible tool for every society on the planet.  There is no culture on earth that can do without packaging.  But too often, Packaging is viewed by many as a problem.  Our goal is to educate people, through our membership, about the important and valuable aspects of packaging.  The world cannot do without packaging but we must learn to make packaging ever more effective; and we must educate people everywhere to respect the purpose of packaging and to incorporate this tool into the process of building an ever more sustainable society.

The WPO's main objectives are to work through the national packaging organisations and other members and interested parties to:


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